Function to geographically subset 'Daymet' regions exceeding tile limits
location of a bounding box c(lat, lon, lat, lon) defined by a top left and bottom-right coordinates
start of the range of years over which to download data
end of the range of years over which to download data
climate variable you want to download vapour pressure (vp), minimum and maximum temperature (tmin,tmax), snow water equivalent (swe), solar radiation (srad), precipitation (prcp) , day length (dayl). The default setting is ALL, this will download all the previously mentioned climate variables.
frequency of the data requested (default = "daily", other options are "monthly" or "annual").
which tile mosiac to source from (na = Northern America, hi = Hawaii, pr = Puerto Rico), defaults to "na".
directory where to store the downloaded data (default = tempdir())
suppress the verbose output
override the conservative end year setting
(default) or FALSE
override default SSL settings in case of CA issues
netCDF data file of an area circumscribed by the location bounding box
if (FALSE) {
# The following call allows you to subset gridded
# Daymet data using a bounding box location. This
# is an alternative way to query gridded data. The
# routine is particularly helpful if you need certain
# data which stradles boundaries of multiple tiles
# or a smaller subset of a larger tile. Keep in mind
# that there is a 6GB upper limit to the output file
# so querying larger regions will result in an error.
# To download larger areas use the download_daymet_tiles()
# function.
# Download a subset of a / multiple tiles
# into your current working directory.
download_daymet_ncss(location = c(34, -82, 33.75, -81.75),
start = 1980,
end = 1980,
param = "tmin",
path = tempdir())
# For other practical examples consult the included
# vignette.