, R/wf_request_batch.R
Stage a data request, and optionally download the data to disk. Alternatively
you can only stage requests, logging the request URLs to submit download
queries later on using wf_transfer
Note that the function will do some basic checks on the request
to identify possible problems.
nested list with query parameters following the layout as specified on the ECMWF APIs page
user (default = "ecmwf") provided by the ECMWF data service,
used to retrieve the token set by wf_set_key
logical, download data TRUE or FALSE (default = TRUE)
path were to store the downloaded data
how long to wait on a download to start (default =
polling frequency of submitted request for downloading (default =
optional name to use as an RStudio job and as output variable name. It has to be a syntactically valid name.
show feedback on processing
a list of requests that will be processed in parallel.
maximum number of simultaneous request that will be submitted to the service. Most ECMWF services are limited to 20 concurrent requests (default = 2).
overall timeout limit for all the requests in seconds.
the path of the downloaded (requested file) or the an R6 object with download/transfer information
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# set key
wf_set_key(key = "123")
request <- list(
dataset_short_name = "reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels",
product_type = "reanalysis",
variable = "geopotential",
year = "2024",
month = "03",
day = "01",
time = "13:00",
pressure_level = "1000",
data_format = "grib",
target = "download.grib"
# demo query
wf_request(request = request)
# Run as an RStudio Job. When finished, will create a
# variable named "test" in your environment with the path to
# the downloaded file.
wf_request(request = request, job_name = "test")
} # }