A programmatic interface to the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Carbon Portal. Allows for easy downloads of ICOS carbon portal data directly to your R work space or your computer.
This package is a partial port of the icoscp
python package, retaining for now the functions relating to downloading site meta-data, available data and the eventual downloading of the data. Unlike the icoscp pacakge the subsetting of the data products or collections should be done by the user.
Further differences pertain to the downloaded data, which can not be directly inspected and is often downloaded as a (zipped) binary. These files can be easily unzipped using conventional or internal R
To install the development releases of the package run the following commands:
Vignettes are not rendered by default, if you want to include additional documentation please use:
devtools::install_github("bluegreen-labs/icoscp", build_vignettes = TRUE)
The package provides easy access to data and meta-data. You can quickly list all the ICOS stations using the following command.
stations <- icos_stations()
The package provides easy access to data and meta-data. You can quickly list all the ICOS stations using the following command.
collections <- icos_collections()
For more examples see the package vignettes.
Hufkens K. 2022. The ‘icoscp’ package: An R interface with the ICOS Carbon Portal data services.
This work has been supported by BlueGreen Labs and the Schmidt Futures Initiative Land Ecosystem Models based On New Theory, obseRvations, and ExperimEnts (LEMONTREE) project.