Combine PhenoCam time series with matching climatological variables from Daymet.
merge_daymet(data, trim = FALSE, internal = TRUE, out_dir = tempdir())
a PhenoCam data file or data structure
logical, trim the daymet data to the length of the
PhenoCam time series or include the whole Daymet time series (1980-current).
(default = FALSE
return a data structure if given a file on disk
= default)
output directory where to store data (default = tempdir())
A PhenoCam data structure or file which combines PhenoCam time series data with Daymet based climate values (columns will be added).
if (FALSE) {
# download demo data
download_phenocam(site = "harvard$",
veg_type = "DB",
roi_id = "1000",
frequency = "3")
# merge data with daymet data