Formats CMIP6 data as downloaded through the Copernicus CDS service, using pr_dl_cmip().
a path to the gridded data
year to process (requires year - 1 to be present / downloaded)
offset of the time series in DOY (default = 264, sept 21)
which CMIP6 model to use
"rcp85", "rcp45", "historical" here rcp covers 2006 - 2100 while historical data covers 1950 - 2005
vector with coordinates defining the region of interest defined as xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax in lat/lon (default = c(-80, -70, 40, 50)), note that this differs from the download routine!!
TRUE / FALSE, write data structure to file as RDS (default = FALSE)
data structure formatted for phenor model optimization and validation
# run with default settings
# look for alternative models on the CMIP6
# downscaled data page
if (FALSE) {
cmip5_data <- pr_fm_cmip()