Formats Daymet tiled data into a format which can be ingested by the models in phenor
path = tempdir(),
year = 2014,
tile = 11935,
offset = 264,
internal = TRUE
a path to tiled data
year to process (requires year - 1 to be present)
daymet tile number
offset of the time series in DOY (default = 264, sept 21)
return results as an R variable or save as an RDS file
Data file adhering to the phenor modelling input formatting. Data serves as input for model spatial model runs. The only required data input is the mean daily temperature, precipitation and VPD can be included but are not mandatory. Depending on the models used, including only temperature will keep file sizes down and processing time lower.
# run with default settings
# looks for daymet average temperature
# data in your home directory. These data
# are calculated using daymet_tmean() from
# the daymetr package
if (FALSE) {
daymet_data <- pr_fm_daymet_tiles()