Some pre-processing steps are required as downloading the PEP725. So, for the species of interest download the separate zipped files. Unzip all files and put the respective scientific data in one folder.
path to the PEP725 data (species files only)
path to regular grid E-OBS data.
which phenophase (bbch) to use (default = 11)
species to select from merged PEP725 file
offset of the time series in DOY (default = 264, sept 21)
minimum number of acquisitions per location
resolution of the E-OBS data (0.25 or 0.5, default = 0.25)
prefiltered subset of the merged PEP725 data obtained through merge_PEP725(), else the complete data contained in pep_path will be used
returns a nested list of site locations, their respective phenological metrics and matching environmental data as extracted from the E-OBS product (corrected for altitude using a lapse rate of 5C/km.)
The routine requires E-OBS climate, which can be downloaded from the E-OBS website and should be put unzipped in a single folder. (
BBCH list:
# run with default settings
# looks for transition date files derived
# through phenocamr in your home directory
# change the path to match your setup
if (FALSE) {
phenocam_data = pr_fm_pep725(pep_path = "~/pep_data/",
eobs_path = "~/eobs_data/")