Conversion to .tif to simplify workflows if the data that has been downloaded is to be handled in other software (e.g. QGIS).

nc2tif(path = tempdir(), files = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, silent = FALSE)



a character string showing the path to the directory containing Daymet .nc files (default = tempdir())


a character vector containing the name of one or more files to be converted (optional)


a logical controlling whether all files will be written, or whether files will not be written in the event that there is already a .tif of that file. (default = NULL)


limit verbose output (default = FALSE)


Converted geotiff files of all netCDF data in the provided directory (path).


if (FALSE) {

 # The below command converts all netCDF data in
 # the provided path to geotiff files. Existing
 # files will be overwritten. If set to FALSE,
 # files will not be overwritten.
 # download the data
 download_daymet_ncss(param = "tmin",
                      frequency = "annual",
                      path = tempdir(),
                      silent = TRUE)
 # convert files from nc to tif
 nc2tif(path = tempdir(),
 overwrite = TRUE)
 # print converted files
 print(list.files(tempdir(), "*.tif"))