rpmodel 1.2.0 2021-06-09

  • Implemented tests and continuous integration. Refactoring.

rpmodel 1.1.3

  • Corrected vectorization. This solves issue #6

rpmodel 1.1.2

  • Set negative values of the temperature-dependent kphio to zero.

rpmodel 1.1.1

  • Corrected the argument description for kphio in the manual of rpmodel().

rpmodel 1.1.0 Unreleased

  • Corrected vectorization. This fixes wrong treatment of vector arguments and solves issue #3.

rpmodel 1.0.6

  • Set negative VPD values to zero. Resolves issue issue #2.

rpmodel 1.0.5

  • Added jmax (maximum rate of RuBP regeneration) to the list of returned variables by the rpmodel() function.
  • Made calc_viscosity_h2o() and calc_density_h2o() to public functions, exported as part of the rpmodel package.

rpmodel 1.0.4

  • Bugfix: vectorized all outputs from rpmodel().

rpmodel 1.0.3

  • Version at final publication of Stocker et al. (2019) GMD.
    • Updated parameters kphio, soilm_par_a, and soilm_par_b after updated calibration (slightly changed calibration data set after applying updated data filtering criteria, see Stocker et al. (2019) GMD).

rpmodel 1.0.2

  • Preparations for submission to CRAN
    • Vectorized all if-statements using ifelse().
    • Several small fixes in documentation to make it build on several platforms, while resolving devtools::release().

rpmodel 1.0.1

  • First version for submission to Geoscientific Model Development. Package available through github (github.com/rpmodel)

rpmodel 1.0 Unreleased

  • First release